Early Childhood Education (幼儿小童班)

The most important developmental stage of a person’s life is their toddler and preschool years. As newcomers in this world, they are exposed to a wealth of sensory information through their five senses, and the experiences toddlers and preschoolers go through will shape who they will become. At Life Musique Academy (LMA), we incorporate the latest best practices in our Early Childhood Education program to improve right brain development and expand memory of toddlers and preschoolers through high speed delivery of massive information.

Life Musique Loonie & Life Musique Tonnie;

The Life Musique Loonie is LMA music instructor, Lucy, who is quite keen about early childhood music and language development as she had extensive experience with children in choral setting as well as training in coping with children who require special needs and attention.

The Life Musique Loonie is LMA music instructor, Corey who is quite keen about early childhood music and language development as he himself also has a new born baby girl delivered just in 2022. 

The Life Musique Toonie is a music duo of LMA music instructors, Lucy and Matthew, who had training in early childhood education development with a focus in music.

We offer two options:

For Music Activity Time at Daycare Centres

Toddlers and preschoolers

Conducting music lessons at your organization once or twice per week from Monday to Friday, parents and their children can enjoy the convenience of staying at their associated daycare centers without worrying about the time and money spent on driving their children around in the area.

For Music Activity Time at Life Musique Academy

Parents, late toddlers and preschoolers

Weekly 30 to 45 minute music activity sessions with a small class size restriction to maintain the highest quality music sessions offered to our first time music beginners at Life Musique Academy on Saturdays and Sundays.

To learn more, please reach out to Matthew Chan for a detailed program curriculum and business proposal.

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Early Childhood Education (幼儿小童班) was last modified: April 19th, 2024 by superuser